Monday, August 22, 2005

Rocks My Socks Off

How cool is this: Jeremy and I were out of town this past weekend and the girls stayed with some friends (shout out to the Glaser family- Daniel, Kendra, Ryan, and Adam; and Mark and Rhonda Vargas- thanks guys!) When we got to the Glaser's to pick up the girls one of the first things we heard from our three beauties was "where's our new Bible verse? We're supposed to have a new Bible verse today, where is it?!" Thinking I could kind of trip them up (and defend why we didn't have a new verse) I asked them what their verse was from last week and they said Genesis 1:1 perfectly in unison full of gusto. Needless to say I printed off a new verse for them this morning and they've already started learning it. Our kids can't wait to learn Bible verses, is that cool or what?! A new expression I learned this weekend may just apply here- it rocks my socks off!

Bill and Shannon Streger picked us up from the airport (thanks guys!) The ride home consisted of filling them in on our weekend and groaning about the cover of the Texas Monthly I saw in the airport- Joel Osteen holding a Bible and smiling that smile of his with a cover title of: "And on the eighth day God created Joel Osteen." I don't typically like to speak too critically of other ministries even if I really don't agree with them (or even when they spend 95 million dollars on a BUILDING!) because who am I to say God isn't using them? My normal approach is simply to try and challenge all of us without pointing fingers. But I must admit to not being a huge Lakewood fan or at least not a Joel Osteen fan and with that magazine cover... I think I'm going to be sick...

Anyway... our girls want to learn the Bible and that ROCKS MY SOCKS OFF!


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