Tuesday, October 04, 2005

They just keep growing up!

I can't seem to stop it. No matter what I do or how I beg and plead the girls insist on growing up. Sometimes I think this is a good thing, for example- no more diapers. But other times I think that the madness has to stop, my babies can't be so independent, at least because I still need them.

School is going very well for Ophelia, she loves it and is excelling. Tae Kwon Do is also going well and we have another belt test coming up soon (once her L-stance is a little more consistent with the correct angle in the bend) in a couple of weeks. We're looking for a place to start ballet back up that will work with our already crazy schedule. Ophelia is in an after school program on Mondays and Wednesdays doing dance and art though we are going to request a change from dance to mad science. Piano is also going well with piano practice being one of Ophelia's favorite activities. Her love for art and writing continues to grow with her constant journaling of daily life, her dreams, and just anything that comes to mind. Harry Potter is starting to become a favorite subject with her newest journal being a Hogwarts journal (Dollar store special!) and she recently checked out the second book from the school library and is diligently trying to read it on her own... We're going to be on that book for a while. Her latest growing up adventure is riding her bike without training wheels- took her only two days, less than 30 minutes each to master riding on her own. Visiting the Longs and seeing Deven riding on his own was enough motivation for her to really go for it and she did it! Check below for pix.

Lavinia and I are doing well in school enjoying home schooling for Kindergarten together. She's looking forward to starting dance soon and loves to learn Tae Kwon Do from her sister. We enjoy reading and learning to write our letters- she's really doing great. Lavinia's social skills continue to blossom and her infectious laugh still invites others to join in. Charlotte's Web has been our story of choice lately and she's proving to have an excellent memory and fantastic reading comprehension. Last night she helped daddy cook dinner and while she was stirring the pasta sauce learned about steam. Today we talked about the difference between steam and smoke- she's a very curious little girl!

Helena has an amazing ability to get right back up after she falls- rarely complaining about her bumps and bruises and getting on with what she was doing. Still sweet and cuddly she's a baby in many ways but if you ask her if she's a baby she'll say "no, I'm your little girl!" I can't believe how grown up she is now, she even argues with us about things- my sweet little darling talks back! Her desire to be big like her sisters has her following them all over the place with almost no fear. It's amazing.

The girls are very good friends. Sometimes we have fights and conflicts but most of the time they watch out for each other and play as best friends. We are so grateful for our family, our girls are an amazing blessing. It's hard to believe they are so grown up already!


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