Thursday, August 25, 2005

Hip-Hop is the BEST!

"Hip-Hop is the BEST!" Lavinia announced last night during "So You Think You Can Dance." Our girls love to dance, love it. They dance all the time and would dance more if we didn't require them to sit at the table to eat or try some other activities. Back in college I did a research paper on music therapy and learned a lot about how movement is an important way for children to learn as well as utilizing as many of the other senses as possible. I've seen this in my own childhood (my mother understood this principle) and much of the Scripture we learned growing up we learned with Sign Language or ASL (a practice we now use with our girls) and/or set to music. We don't watch much TV or movies (usually Ophelia gets, at most, 15 min. a day except on certain days for special reasons) these days but dancing, that's a whole other story. We do dance and often. I don't know if I could say that Hip-hop is the best (it's stinkin' HARD! I've taken two classes of it and... Wow... What a work out! Makes for some great abs, let me tell you), Ophelia would say that Ballet is and Helena is into modern-interpretive-lyrical-Helena dance right now. I would have to say that dancing with the girls is the BEST!

Helena and Lavinia are sick. Helena had a fever of 102.4 with no other symptoms and Lavinia has a terrible cough. Ophelia, the only one that goes to school, is fine. Go figure. It's been very sad though, Helena just lays around and wants to be held often. Poor thing. No dancing for her right now. Maybe soon.


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