Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Fear Factor

"You have 60 seconds to eat all of that. Now, if you drop any of it, spit it out, or feed it to the dogs you are disqualified. If you should succeed... You're on your way to a scoop of ice cream and the first one to finish gets chocolate syrup too." The two contestants finish together and show their empty mouth and hear the words "congratulations! Obviously, fear is not a factor for you!" You are reading- "FEAR FACTOR, the Martin-Weber edition." The stunt? Eat all of the gross, disgusting, cooked veggies on your plate, usually such repulsive delicacies as green beans (those are now a favorite actually), asparagus (another favorite now), beans, mushrooms (still by far the most disgusting challenge), and summer squash and zucchini- that was today. The girls have never really seen fear factor but for some reason this trick works. My latest thought, when do you stop playing games to get them to eat their food? But this is SO much better than the "you're not leaving the table until you finish that" bit and they eat all of it this way over the obligatory "eat as many bites as you are old" line. You may call this bribing and tricking, we call it "creative parenting."

Here's a pic of Ophelia painting, she's being nominated for the gifted and talented program at school. She's turning into quite the artist and doing great at school. We're so proud of our girls!

By the way, if you want to comment (and please do, we love it) you're going to have to go through a word verification. We're tired of comment spam- I had to hide our the comments on one of our latest post as the comment spam we received led to a very inappropriate site.


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