Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!

Yes, I know I'm an adult and it makes no sense for me to believe in little winged folk that care for nature and have magical powers, it's just plain silly. Yet, I do. Not exactly in the literal sense of little winged people that grant wishes, help you fly with their dust (really, that thought is just plain strange... dust from a person no matter how small is gross, not magical but whatever...), or fall over dead if you say you don't believe in them. Still, don't say it, just in case. I believe in the fairies of a child's imagination, fairies that teach children about nature, to walk carefully and to tend gardens, fairies that encourage children to dance with abandon, to respect persons big and small and to believe in things you can't see, fairies that give children the magical properties of story and imagination and yes, even flight. I do believe in fairies. And so do the girls. So we built a fairy house in our front flower bed at the base of the crepe (is it "crepe" or "crate?") myrtle that is still spreading tiny soft pink blossoms all over our green lawn making it feel just like... Magic.

Enjoy the pictures and consider building a house for your fairy friends.


Blogger vofbaca said...

this made me laugh so hard...

really, that thought is just plain strange... dust from a person no matter how small is gross, not magical

Really, I am crying I am laughing so hard. I said glitter once in a room full of waldorf children, when I saw the face of the adults I quickly said "glittery fairy dust"... Good save, I almost ruined the whole thing. :)

Great fairy house, and great pictures of the girls.. including back to school!


7:52 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

is glitter a waldorf no-no?

it is strange though, when you think about it. fairy dust? makes me think of pigpen from peanuts... or dandruff... not something cute and magical. only fairies could get away with flying around leaving dust everywhere!

7:17 AM  

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