Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Few of Our Favorite Things...

This morning we interviewed the girls to tell us a few of their favorite things and what they are up to these days. Here you go!

Age: Ophelia- 7.5 yrs.; Lavinia- 5 yrs.; Helena- 3 yrs.

Favorite color: O- all colors; L- pink; H- yellow

Favorite food: O- chicken sandwich; L- peanut butter and honey sandwiches, mushrooms; H- mac and cheese and tomatoes

Favorite treat: O- mint chocolate chip ice cream; L- whipped cream; H- strawberry shortcake

Favorite candy: O- gum; L- candy bars; H- gum

What do you want to be when you grow up? O- Ballerina and artist; L- ballerina astronaut, H- mommy and musician

Hobbies: O- read, draw, dance, speak French, write stories, listen to music; L- arts and crafts, stickers, write songs; H- play in mommy's jewelry, organize items by size

For Fun: O- ride bike, scooter, dress-up, watch movies, play with sisters, draw, play computer games; L- play with sisters, ride bike and scooter, play computer games, watch movies; H- play princess, ride bike, play with sisters, color, read books, play with toys, take baths, cuddle, take pictures.

Planes, trains, boats, trucks, cars? O- planes; L- plane; H- train

Instruments: O- piano, violin and harp; L- piano and violin; H- piano, guitar

Favorite movie: O- Cars; L- Princess Diaries; H- Beauty and the Beast

Favorite TV show: O- Between the Lions; L- Dragon Tails; H- Dragon Tails

Favorite music: O- The Nutcracker Suite, L- The Nutcracker Suite; H- Beauty and the Beast

Favorite Toy: O- Sleeping Beauty; L- cars; H- Belle and baby

Learning: O- getting better at reading, French; L- piano, reading, and French; H- counting, letters and sounds, French.

Favorite Game: O- Tic-tac-toe; L- Hide and Seek; H- Caillou

Favorite Animal: O- bunnies; L- horses; H- Rosie

What should people know about you? O- I like doing fun tricks on my bike and scooter and I also like quiet time and playing alone; L- I'm crazy; H- Smiled and ran away.


Blogger Laura said...

This was adorable.

11:55 AM  

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