Friday, July 07, 2006

Sprinkler, Freezer Pops, and Dress Up

Yesterday We had about 2 hours that were sunny, still very hot but the humidity did seem lower and sunny before more dark clouds rolled in and broke loose again. You can imagine the irony I saw then when the girls rode their bikes for a bit and then asked to play in the sprinkler during the sunny break. They had a great time in the water and then eating freezer pops that turned their frozen lips and tongues shades of blue and green before they went running back into the spray of the sprinkler. It didn't seem to bother them that's it's been storming for days and at the first break to go run and play in the sprinkler. Ah well.

We're back to the overcast threat of rain and oppressive humidity. It seems that at any moment the low-lying grey clouds, swollen with moisture are going to burst and dump on us again. The girls can't stand to be outside in the sticky atmosphere and I can't really blame them. We're inside and while I work the girls are watching The Wizard of Oz in full costume from Halloween (the pic above is from last Halloween), saying the lines, singing the songs and dancing as though the movie is the set for their stardom. Watching them makes me smile and brings back memories of my childhood and similar play time. I love dress-up! Days of rain can't keep us from having fun!


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