Thursday, August 17, 2006

The First Day of School

Ophelia (2nd grade) and Lavinia (Kindergarten) after the first day of school, August 16, 2006. Going back to school proved to be HOT with a heat index of 105 degrees.

Kindergarten Wishes and Smiles

For the past year Lavinia's biggest wish has been to go to school. That wish came true this week with the start of Kindergarten! Lavinia LOVES her teacher and her school and got off to a great start yesterday. She has lots to smile about!

2nd Grade in Style!

School is not about how you look... but it sure doesn't hurt to have a little fun with your clothes! Ophelia is developing as quite the little fashionista: pink cowgirl boots, camo pleated school girl skirt, vintage style sport t-shirt, hounds-tooth print loose tie with jeweled butterfly detailing, and hair in loose low sloppy up-do. Starting off 2nd grade in her own style!

Sisters can lean on each other

After a hot, long and tiring first day school the sisters found each other to lean on.

Walking Home from School

Headed home after the first day of school. The girls won't have "I walked 8 miles, up-hill both directions in 4 feet of snow" kind of stories to tell their grandkids but they can say that their first day of school had a heat index of 105 degrees. That's a hot one! But they were only walking to the car for the .5 mile trip home.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Concert Promo

Derek Webb Concert

Sunday, September 24th, 7.30pm
Taft Street Arts Center Venue
2115 Taft Street
Houston, TX 77006
(Doors Open @ 7.30)

$12 + $1 svc fee ONLINE
$12 at the door

Derek's Webpage

Derek's MySpace




It's just been busy around here lately. Between meetings, job hunting, getting ready for school, French lessons, and gallery business I just haven't had much time for anything extra. I'd appreciate any job leads you could pass my way though! I'll be around later today to leave a real post but I wanted to be sure I remember how this worked. Hope everyone is doing well.